My Role:
UI/UX Design
Software Used:
Photoshop CC, Figma, Principle
Photoshop CC, Figma, Principle
Apple TV, PC/Mac, Android, iOS
Apple TV, PC/Mac, Android, iOS
Project GOALS:
Reduce time to start an appropriate ride.
Increase new Zwifters social activity participation.
Build layouts for controller friendly navigation across desktop and Apple TV platforms.
The original UI caused cognitive overload and provided little context for online social events. Additionally, it lacked clear navigation patterns that were accessible to both desktop and Apple TV users of the game.
The home screen was redesigned to include a new navigation menu that allows users to browse recommended content, events, routes, and training activities. Additionally, a new card system was implemented to provide a surface view of activities on the home screen. These cards were designed with reusability in mind to enable content-tailored layouts.